Neurosurgical operations in Minsk

Treatment of neurosurgical diseases in Minsk

Most surgical operations performed in the department are high-tech surgical procedures of the highest complexity.

Neurosurgical treatment of patients with various diseases of the nervous system is produced at the advanced level.

1) Tumors of the brain and spinal cord

  • meninges, skull base, the pineal region, chiasmosellar region (pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma), clivus of the sphenoid bone, auditory nerve schwannomas, intracerebral (glioma, astrocytoma) tumors of supra and sub tentorial localization, intraventricular tumors of  side, 3rd and 4th ventricles, extras and intramedullary tumors of a spinal cord and craniovertebral junction.

Stereotactic and direct operating biopsys, surgical removal of the extra-and intracranial tumors of any localization  with laser treatment of the tumor bed, local chemotherapy using anitumoural agent “Tsisplatsel”, photodynamic therapy are performed.

Due to close ties with radiation oncologists after surgery and pathology reports receiving , our patients are guaranteed to be sent as soon as possible for further treatment to specialized cancer care facilities for radiation and chemotherapy.

2) Vertebral osteochondrosis and its consequences

  • intervertebral disk disease and spinal stenosis in the lumbar spine.

Microsurgical removal of herniated lumbar discs is performed.

A distinctive feature of these operations is minimal surgical trauma, no need for spine stabilization, minimal medication support, maximum early (first,2nd day) patients’ recovery after surgery.


  • traumatic brain injury in acuity period (injuries of varying degrees, diffuse axonal injury) , acute intracranial hematoma, fractures of the skull base and skull cap, posttraumatic defects and deformities of the skull bones, intracranial foreign bodies, chronic hematoma and hydromes, cerebrospinal fluid fistula of the skull base, meningoencephalocele (brain and skull rupture), brain and spinal cord abscesses.

Emergency and planned surgery for intracranial hematomas, depressed skull fractures, contusional foci, plastics for skull defects, basal liquorrhea eliminating by plastic of skull base defect are performed.

4) Cerebrovascular brain disease

  • Single and multiple aneurysms as well aneurysms with acute fractures, nontraumatic intracerebral hematomas, vascular malformations.

Microsurgical removal of intracerebral hematomas, vascular malformations, direct intervention of clipping and endovascular exclusion of cerebral aneurysms using modern spiral implants are performed.

5) Liquor circulation system pathology

  • occlusive, post-traumatic, post-inflammatory, interconnected and normotensive hydrocephalus;

CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) shunt surgery using modern valve shunt systems, endoscopic perforation of the third ventricle bottom.

6) Chiari malformation: surgical decompression of the posterior fossa with a shunt operation is performed.

7) PATHOLOGY of limb peripheral nerves:

  • Damage to the peripheral nerves of limbs, traumatic neuroma of peripheral nerves, compression tunnel syndromes, persistent trigeminal neuralgia;
  • microsurgical neurolysis, neuroma excision, suture of peripheral nerves, percutaneous stereotactic rhizotomy are performed;

A full range of diagnostic and neurosurgical services are performed at the Neurosurgery Department.

All operations are performed in the neurosurgical operating room equipped with an operating microscope, ultrasonic disintegrator, endoscopic bar with a set of tools, and operating laser. Endovascular procedures are performed in the angiosurgical operating room.

Where can I get the professional help of a neurosurgeon?

Program cost may vary depending on the actually performed medical procedures.

The calculation is performed at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the time of payment for rendered services.

The main feature of our clinic is the availability of specialized care, high efficiency of performed surgeries due to modern microsurgical techniques and instrumentation.

It provides a smooth postoperative period, good state of patient’s health, fast recovery from illness. Our specialists provide planned and emergency neurosurgical care.

Nowadays we have created all the conditions necessary for an accurate diagnosis and high-quality patient care:

  • responsive and caring department personnel;
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and computed tomography of the head and spine;
  • Full examination of the brain vessels using MRI and SKT   (spiral computed tomography) angiographies,     triplex sonography of intra-and extracranial arteries;
  • complete X-ray angiosurgical diagnostic system;

Well-coordinated team of highly qualified specialists (neurosurgeons, neuro anesthesiologists, neuro intensivists) provides high work results;

For all nerve system operations microneurosurgical method is used;

The equipment of operating rooms with surgical microscope and microtoolkit, will improve surgery effectiveness and significantly reduce accident risk.

Address: Kizhevatova Street, 58 Minsk