Treatment of obesity by setting the gastric balloon

Gastric balloon is one of the realistic ways to lose weight effectively. You have not to make any effort: to keep a strict diet or exhaust yourself with physical exercises.

During the treatment patient’s body weight is reduced by 5-35 kilos!

After the treatment, it remains at a certain level. The procedure effectiveness is proved by long using experience.

Working mechanism of gastric balloon

Having the balloon in the stomach leads to filling the substantial part of its volume. Consequently, the amount of food a person can eat is reduced. The amount of consumed calories is reduced, the person loses weigh. Besides, over-flown balloon stretches a stomach that leads to stimulation of satiation receptors. Such stimulation leads to early feeling of satiety.

During the treatment most of the patients almost do not feel the balloon, they can lead normal lifestyle, do physical exercises that is very welcome.

On which time period is the balloon set?

It is recommended to set the balloon in stomach on 6 months. After that it should be removed. It can be explained that the hydrochloric acid of stomach juice gradually erodes the balloon and it last only for 6 months. If a patient wants to continue the treatment in a few weeks after the 1st balloon removal the 2nd one can be set. 

Treatment program:

  • The consultations of therapist, endocrinologist, endoscopist, anesthesiologist;
  • Laboratory diagnostics (complete blood count (CBC), clinical urine analysis, biochemical blood analysis, coagulogram, blood group and rhesus blood factor);
  • instrumental diagnostics (fiberoptic gastroduodenoscopy, electrocardiography, ultrasound);
  • Anesthesia, balloon setting;
  • Postanesthetic care;

Staying in a hospital under the care for 1-3 days.

Address: Kizhevatova Street, 58 Minsk